Official Skandar Keynes & The Chronicles of Narnia Fans

Provide INFO for anything associated with The Chronicles of Narnia & the actors.

Miss H ^

  1. The photo above was mantanpacarnya Skandar.
  2. His name is Helena. Complete -> Helena J. Miles. 
  3. Lectures at Cambridge as well. 
  4. He was among the smartest students on campus.
  5. Skandar's Friend first time  know they be couple, they were really excited \ m / 
  6. Skandar most often teased by his friends, when newly invented at Helena. 
  7. Skandar, LAST, sometimes called Helena with the title "FROM" the darling. 
  8. Skandar- Helena related dating on date 14 February 2008 at around 7 / 8 pm
  9. Skandar-Helena relations already sanctioned as many people 
  10. ELENA = call Skandar affection for Helena
  11. they broken up at october 2010

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